

Every so often you meet a person who has a significant impact on your life. For me, one of these people is my old colleague and friend Tyler. He gave me my first job as a graphic design intern in my final year of college, which continued onto my first real job as a graphic […]

Hiking Hoodoo Creek and catching up with old friends

August 31, 2021

I’ve been in Alberta for five winters now. I moved out here at the beginning of December. It was met with endless commentary of how silly I was to move out west during the frigid Edmonton winters. What I’ve learned since being here though, is that Winter in Alberta is equal to cottage country in […]

adventures in the snow

March 16, 2020

This past weekend we headed off to Osoyoos for my sister’s super epic 30th birthday finale. On our last night, we decided to flick the switch on the patio lights and look up at the stars. To say it was spectacular might not fully capture how incredibly vast the stars looked that night. It just […]

stargazing in osoyoos

July 31, 2019

Iceland is easily one of my most favourite countries I have visited. Not only was it my first solo trip, I also ambitiously decided to travel around Iceland’s entire ring road in just 4 days. While I would definitely recommend additional days, if you don’t have them it’s still worth the adventure to cram it […]

bex does iceland.

September 30, 2018

42.2 km. That’s a lot. The length of a marathon to be exact.   For whatever reason, a marathon has always held such high prestige in my brain. The people who can run a marathon are superhumans. And therefore, it’s always been an overall bucket list item of mine to run a whole marathon.  But, let’s […]

running my first half marathon.

June 28, 2018

Continuing on in the spirit of absolutely crushing my parents’ birthdays this year, I decided to fly back to Ontario for a quick minute with a mission of surprising my dad for his birthday. It was a big one this year – the big 6-0. What was particularly funny about this trip was about two […]

surprising my dad for his 60th

February 5, 2018

As far as moms go, hands-down, I have the best one out there. This year was a special year as it was her 50th birthday. I knew I wanted to do something magical for her. We had tossed around the idea of a euro backpacking trip but ended up deciding on a restful week in […]

Mama J goes to Maui for her 50

December 6, 2017

Long-distance friendships can be difficult to maintain, but there’s something so special when someone cares enough to travel across the country to visit you – even better when you get to partake in a fun camping activity! One of my dearest friends, Stephanie, made the trek before she started her new job. This called for […]

spontaneous visits and trips to jasper

August 27, 2017

Looking for how to keep in touch with your friends when you’re all going in separate directions? Start a traveling notebook! My excitement for the project is through the roof. The last year has brought so many changes. One of my best friends moved across the pond to England, I moved across the country to […]

how to keep in touch with friends: a traveling notebook

June 3, 2015

Exciting news over here! Tomorrow I leave on my first business trip! I’m incredibly excited, and can’t wait for the new responsibilities. The awesome part is it’s with a client back home so I’ll be able to see friends and family on my trip as well. Here’s what I’ve packed for some reading material while […]

my first business trip & graphic design books to read on the plane.

three books titled, 'StrengthsFinder2.0', 'Work for Money, Design for Love' and 'ReWork', on a table beside a white starbucks cup.

March 21, 2015

This weekend I trekked to Banff with my family. It’s about 4 hours away from Edmonton, so a pretty good chunk of time in the car…. perfect opportunity to make another one of these cute little bunnies. Crocheting in the car made the road trip go by so much faster. Thankfully, I don’t typically get […]

road trip hack: bring a crochet hook!

A cream coloured crocheted bunny with purple ears, with a yellow S on the left ear, and a crocheted yellow flower on its head.

March 15, 2015

I’m beginning to adore living in Alberta. This past Saturday I made my second trip into the mountains for my first time snowboarding at Marmot Basin. My sister’s work put on a social event to head out and get some skiing and snowboarding in. Last minute a lift ticket became available and after a little […]

snowboarding marmot basin for the first time

The view from the top of the mountains at Marmot Basin in Jasper, Alberta, Canada.

March 2, 2015