Bucket List


My Mathew babe was super overwhelmed with work this past weekend, so I was trying to be super-girlfriend-extraordinaire and take care of all the nuisance things that life throws our way so he could focus solely on crushing through some work. I didn’t really want to cook, but I also didn’t want to spend a […]

garlic ginger ramen

January 12, 2019

Iceland is easily one of my most favourite countries I have visited. Not only was it my first solo trip, I also ambitiously decided to travel around Iceland’s entire ring road in just 4 days. While I would definitely recommend additional days, if you don’t have them it’s still worth the adventure to cram it […]

bex does iceland.

September 30, 2018

Back in my college days, shortly after I had broken up with my boyfriend at the time, I found myself without a car and needing to get to work. And while I didn’t have a bike that I could ride to work at the time, I did have my rollerblades. Thankfully, too, I lived along […]

riding my bike 15km to work

August 9, 2018

You know those hobbies that you don’t quite love, but can’t get enough of at the same time? That’s how I feel about running. I don’t overly love the act of running, yet I can’t seem to stop signing up for runs, this time the Lululemon 10k, and pushing myself to improve my times. After […]

run this city #edmonton10k

July 23, 2018

Never had I ever shot a gun. To be honest, they terrify me. I also think the world would be a better place without them being so accessible. With that said though, in a controlled environment like a shooting range, it was something I wanted to try once.   For my birthday this year, my babe […]

i still don’t like guns.

July 21, 2018

It’s my birthday! You know what that means… a new annual bucket list! My 28 x 29 list will be my fifth year making an annual bucket list, so I’m feeling pretty good about this one. I’m also jazzed at the fact that I was so close to finishing last year’s list! My 27 x […]

28 x 29

July 18, 2018

I’ll be the first to admit, I have quite the rollercoaster of emotions on any given day. I can go through a week feeling amazing about life and then live the next week absolutely miserable. It is a daily battle for me to choose happiness and choose to love the life I’m living right now. […]

loving who you are in the moment

July 17, 2018

Pottery has been a craft medium I have been swooning over since Elise started making her own dishes. I talked about taking a pottery class for the first time so much that my sister even put it on my 27 x 28 list. Sarah and I were going to try and take a drop-in pottery class […]

first time taking a pottery class

July 15, 2018

With my birthday just around the corner, I’m running out of time to complete my 27 x 28 list. I’m oh-so-close!  On my list is to have my first spa experience. There were two items I could knock off at the same time, get a massage and get a facial.  Believe it or not, in my […]

my first massage and spa experience

July 1, 2018

42.2 km. That’s a lot. The length of a marathon to be exact.   For whatever reason, a marathon has always held such high prestige in my brain. The people who can run a marathon are superhumans. And therefore, it’s always been an overall bucket list item of mine to run a whole marathon.  But, let’s […]

running my first half marathon.

June 28, 2018

I never really understood the importance of professional organizations, so naturally, I had never thought to submit for professional awards. I was a part of one throughout college with a student membership and yet I never took advantage of any of the benefits it offered. When I started my current job, my boss was big […]

3 reasons to submit for professional awards

June 8, 2018

It’s been two years since I started working at my current job. When I was applying, I told my sister there’s no way I’m getting this job. I’m so unqualified. Apparently, I was wrong. Not only was I the most qualified candidate (according to my boss), I’ve been fortunate enough to overhaul a bunch of […]

‘not quite a promotion’ promotion

May 24, 2018