I’ve been in Alberta for five winters now. I moved out here at the beginning of December. It was met with endless commentary of how silly I was to move out west during the frigid Edmonton winters. What I’ve learned since being here though, is that Winter in Alberta is equal to cottage country in […]
There’s nothing more cozy and homey than a Christmas tree covered in handmade ornaments. Christmas is one of my favourite times of year – not for the gifts; that’s actually my least favourite part. Rather, I adore the homeyness a Christmas tree brings to a space. Twinkle lights are also my jam. I have the […]
This past weekend we headed off to Osoyoos for my sister’s super epic 30th birthday finale. On our last night, we decided to flick the switch on the patio lights and look up at the stars. To say it was spectacular might not fully capture how incredibly vast the stars looked that night. It just […]
Another year, another list. I made good progress on my last list and made many memories along the way, from adventuring through Iceland to experiencing the beauty that is Thailand with my closest dearest travel buddy. Over the years my favourite aspect of these lists is how they’ve spread through my friend group. The aforementioned […]
I love me a good birthday cake. I’m also a sucker for sprinkles. Seriously – have you ever just tried adding sprinkles to your ice cream creation at Marble Slab? Or perhaps toss some sprinkles in pancakes? They have a strange ability to make decently tasty things even more incredible. So this year, when my […]
My Mathew babe was super overwhelmed with work this past weekend, so I was trying to be super-girlfriend-extraordinaire and take care of all the nuisance things that life throws our way so he could focus solely on crushing through some work. I didn’t really want to cook, but I also didn’t want to spend a […]
If you’re looking for an easy breakfast option for whole30, look no further! At the beginning of the year, I made a gutsy goal to try to do whole30 again, but this time for 90 days. For me, having restrictions on what is allowed keeps me healthy. Otherwise, I have absolutely zero self-restraint. A few […]
Happy New Year from me and my babe! I hope you have the most wonderful, laughter-filled, loving 2019! I can’t wait to see what this new year has in store and continue to adventure and live life to the fullest! This year we embraced the period of life we’re in and celebrated New Years at […]
Iceland is easily one of my most favourite countries I have visited. Not only was it my first solo trip, I also ambitiously decided to travel around Iceland’s entire ring road in just 4 days. While I would definitely recommend additional days, if you don’t have them it’s still worth the adventure to cram it […]
You know those hobbies that you don’t quite love, but can’t get enough of at the same time? That’s how I feel about running. I don’t overly love the act of running, yet I can’t seem to stop signing up for runs, this time the Lululemon 10k, and pushing myself to improve my times. After […]