

This is the final part of my series called b’s dating diaries. If you’ve missed the previous parts, we got started, met the austrailian, and the teacher, we learned some lessons and had some firsts. And now we’re here! I know you’re probably all excited to hear about where the hockey fan and I ended […]

06: the distance test.

December 10, 2017

This is part five of my adventures into the world of dating apps. Read parts one, two, three and four to catch up on my adventures in the land of dating. I’m not really sure when I met the hockey fan, but I remember his smile on his profile photo could steal hearts. It must […]

05: firsts.

November 5, 2017

This is part four of my adventures into the world of dating apps. Be sure to check out parts one, two, and three to follow all my adventures. The teacher was a great guy. Super social over text message. We often snapped each other throughout the day. Unlike the austrailian, the teacher and I chatted […]

04: lessons learned

October 15, 2017

This is part three of my adventures into the world of dating apps. Make sure you check out part two: the austrailian for the backstory and part one: a new world to see how this all got started. As you may have guessed by the title of this post, it wasn’t all happily ever with […]

03: tinder & the teacher.

September 17, 2017

This is part two of my adventures in the dating app world. Make sure you check out part one: a new world to get caught up! Where were we? Ah, yes, the Australian. After what seemed like hours, I finally managed to decide on a message to throw his way. “I’m a fan of big […]

02: the australian.

July 29, 2017

Sometime during my realization that carrying two jobs unnecessarily would lead to certain crazy-cat lady status, I became acutely aware of the fact that dating was a necessity in my life. My sister seemed to think so, too, because one of the items on my 27 x 28 list she wrote for me included going […]

01: a new world

July 21, 2017