Personal Growth


As we kick off 2022, I’m not one to typically set New Year’s resolutions, especially because I have my annual birthday bucket list. But this year, I wanted to take advantage of the fresh start and I’m feeling particularly energized and inspired. So instead of a resolution, we’re setting an intention for this upcoming year […]

create more in 2022

January 1, 2022

I’ll be the first to admit, I have quite the rollercoaster of emotions on any given day. I can go through a week feeling amazing about life and then live the next week absolutely miserable. It is a daily battle for me to choose happiness and choose to love the life I’m living right now. […]

loving who you are in the moment

July 17, 2018

I never really understood the importance of professional organizations, so naturally, I had never thought to submit for professional awards. I was a part of one throughout college with a student membership and yet I never took advantage of any of the benefits it offered. When I started my current job, my boss was big […]

3 reasons to submit for professional awards

June 8, 2018

My 27 x 28 list had to join a yoga class. I had every intention of joining a studio and attending regularly, but I quickly learned and accepted that exercise classes after work usually will never happen. On top of that, I am still the world’s worst morning person.  So rather than beat myself up […]

grace and yoga.

January 28, 2018

Rest. It’s so important. Let’s talk about that word for a moment. defines it as: a period or interval of inactivity, repose, solitude, or tranquility For the longest time, I always worked my buns off. I started my first paper route at the ripe age of nine years old. Throughout all of high school, […]

learning the importance of rest.

January 13, 2018

This is the final part of my series called b’s dating diaries. If you’ve missed the previous parts, we got started, met the austrailian, and the teacher, we learned some lessons and had some firsts. And now we’re here! I know you’re probably all excited to hear about where the hockey fan and I ended […]

06: the distance test.

December 10, 2017

Sometime during my realization that carrying two jobs unnecessarily would lead to certain crazy-cat lady status, I became acutely aware of the fact that dating was a necessity in my life. My sister seemed to think so, too, because one of the items on my 27 x 28 list she wrote for me included going […]

01: a new world

July 21, 2017