Easy Meals


Dinner is hard guys – especially when you’re not a planning person like I am not. Planning meals, going to the grocery store, figuring out how to take the ingredients in my food and turn them into a dinner – it was exhausting. Enter Good Food. Good Food is a meal kit delivery service here […]

Making dinner easy: Good Food Review

hey its bex looking over top of a bunch of good food recipe cards.

May 29, 2021

My Mathew babe was super overwhelmed with work this past weekend, so I was trying to be super-girlfriend-extraordinaire and take care of all the nuisance things that life throws our way so he could focus solely on crushing through some work. I didn’t really want to cook, but I also didn’t want to spend a […]

garlic ginger ramen

January 12, 2019

If you’re looking for an easy breakfast option for whole30, look no further! At the beginning of the year, I made a gutsy goal to try to do whole30 again, but this time for 90 days. For me, having restrictions on what is allowed keeps me healthy. Otherwise, I have absolutely zero self-restraint. A few […]

easy breakfast option for whole30

January 5, 2019

Some more progress has been made on my 25×26 list! I can feel it – this year is the year I complete it all. I’ve tried another new dinner recipe — spicy beef satay pho! I had never had Pho before moving out to Edmonton. I went to a restaurant with my mom and sister […]

spicy beef satay pho

December 12, 2015

If you’re looking for an easy meal idea, look no further! These enchiladas are absolutely to die for. I’ll be honest, though – I had never had an enchilada before in my life. I didn’t even know what they were. Then one glorious day about a month ago my partner suggested we make enchiladas for […]

easy meal idea: homemade enchiladas.

October 20, 2015

Today we’re sharing my favourite quick, easy, and healthy breakfast idea. It’s definitely my go-to breakfast these days. Since the beginning of the year, my mom and I have been trying to eat super healthy. I had put on quite a bit of weight prior to my big move across the country (thanks to countless […]

quick, easy, healthy breakfast idea: chocolate chip banana quinoa.

A bowl of quinoa on a white glossy table with a silver spoon, a jar with chocolate chips spilling out, a cup of coffee with milk, and a banana.

March 19, 2015