

Have you ever been to a Paint Nite?! Let me tell you – they’re such a unique, fun, and crafty night out! I had heard about them before but never had the opportunity to attend one. Until my friend Chelsey invited me to one tonight! It was hosted at the Cheesecake Cafe, which is an […]

looking for a crafty fun night out? try paint nite!

December 15, 2015

Some more progress has been made on my 25×26 list! I can feel it – this year is the year I complete it all. I’ve tried another new dinner recipe — spicy beef satay pho! I had never had Pho before moving out to Edmonton. I went to a restaurant with my mom and sister […]

spicy beef satay pho

December 12, 2015

This DIY closet organizer comes in at under $200. I mean, seriously, have you ever looked at the cost of a closet organizer? My goodness! They can get quite pricey. And though I am quite fond of building out awesome organizers on the IKEA online PAX builder, I’m just not quite ready to dish out […]

DIY: closet organizer under $200

November 20, 2015

If you’re looking for an easy meal idea, look no further! These enchiladas are absolutely to die for. I’ll be honest, though – I had never had an enchilada before in my life. I didn’t even know what they were. Then one glorious day about a month ago my partner suggested we make enchiladas for […]

easy meal idea: homemade enchiladas.

October 20, 2015

Here in Canada, it’s been that time when boulevards are littered with the most annoying little signs every 10 feet – that’s right, it’s Election time. And if you’re like me, it’s your first time voting in an election! Its the time when we all get to exercise the freedom to vote. I’m not going […]

my first time voting in an election

October 19, 2015

Well — I’m at it again, time for another birthday bucket list. For me, these annual bucket lists are a testament to the old adage, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” I’ve made two previous lists and unfortunately only made little dents in them. This year, sitting in the gardens outside Les […]

25 x 26

a purple background with the words '25 x 26' on it

September 15, 2015