

Exciting news over here! Tomorrow I leave on my first business trip! I’m incredibly excited, and can’t wait for the new responsibilities. The awesome part is it’s with a client back home so I’ll be able to see friends and family on my trip as well. Here’s what I’ve packed for some reading material while […]

my first business trip & graphic design books to read on the plane.

three books titled, 'StrengthsFinder2.0', 'Work for Money, Design for Love' and 'ReWork', on a table beside a white starbucks cup.

March 21, 2015

Back in November, the women of my family traveled from three different places and met up in Maui for a week of paradise and celebrating my mom’s birthday. Maui has such a diverse geography. Rainforests, volcanoes, and ocean fronts. It was truly beautiful. One of the only things on my to-do list for this vacation was […]

First time surfing in Maui

January 28, 2015

I was incredibly fortunate this past year to do quite a bit of traveling. It started with the most memorable road trip with my dear friend Sylvia, across the country. The paradise that is Maui with the women of my family. And the most exciting trip of all, 10 days in England, with my mom […]

10 days in England

January 22, 2015

This year, I’m determined to accomplish the list of goals! I’ve got my blog started, and I’ve written a new list. Though I only have 6 months to complete the remainder of this list (as my 25th birthday is on July 18th!), I’m super excited to get started!

24 x 25

a pink background with the words '24 by 25' written on it.

January 18, 2015