Chit Chat


Happy First Father’s Day to the absolute best daddy to our sweet twins! It takes a special man to become a dad and an even stronger one to tackle the challenge of twins head-on. If you’re celebrating a new dad in your life, here are some great gift ideas for a new twin dad. There […]

Father’s Day gift ideas for your new twin dad

June 18, 2023

It’s the weekend! Time to round up all the things that caught our attention or stopped our scroll this week. 01 knitbrooks efflorescence collection. These hooks are stunning and the colours are so vibrant. It’s no wonder they sold out so quickly. 02 convertkit I’ve been thinking of getting back into writing a newsletter, just […]

weekend links 001

June 17, 2023

It has been a hot minute since we’ve been blogging! Hey, hi, hello! How has everybody been? Here’s how we are going to succeed with blogging. Do people still blog anymore? Who knows? I know I am! I have always dreamed of building a daily (okay, frequent) blogging habit, and I have never quite been […]

We’re back! 3 things we’re doing differently to succeed with blogging this time around.

June 16, 2023

Happy New Year! 2022 was filled with surprises and the best gifts I could have asked for. Going into 2023, I’m excited to get back to content creation and building my little side hustle. Not to mention, I get to spend the year watching my sweet babies grow. I hope your 2023 is filled with […]

hello 2023!

January 1, 2023

Happy New Year from me and my babe! I hope you have the most wonderful, laughter-filled, loving 2019! I can’t wait to see what this new year has in store and continue to adventure and live life to the fullest! This year we embraced the period of life we’re in and celebrated New Years at […]

hello 2019!

January 1, 2019

I’ll be the first to admit, I have quite the rollercoaster of emotions on any given day. I can go through a week feeling amazing about life and then live the next week absolutely miserable. It is a daily battle for me to choose happiness and choose to love the life I’m living right now. […]

loving who you are in the moment

July 17, 2018

While I was back in Ontario surprising my dad for his 60th birthday, I was able to sneak in going back to my church for the Sunday service. I know this probably isn’t what my sister intended when she put ‘Go to church’ on my 27 x 28 list, but I’m going to count it anyway. […]

feels like going home

February 8, 2018

Continuing on in the spirit of absolutely crushing my parents’ birthdays this year, I decided to fly back to Ontario for a quick minute with a mission of surprising my dad for his birthday. It was a big one this year – the big 6-0. What was particularly funny about this trip was about two […]

surprising my dad for his 60th

February 5, 2018

Let me start out by saying – making new friends as adults is an absolute struggle! It’s so hard! We take for granted the availability of people looking for friends in our college years. Once you get out into the real world, building genuine connections is one of the most challenging things you can set […]

from co-workers to friends.

January 28, 2018

Here’s to a new year full of new adventures! I’m pretty horrible at keeping New Year’s resolutions and mostly just focus on my 27 x 28 list each year. But, I do like to try and come up with a theme word for the year. This was inspired by Elise Joy, after seeing some blog […]

hello 2018.

January 1, 2018

This is the final part of my series called b’s dating diaries. If you’ve missed the previous parts, we got started, met the austrailian, and the teacher, we learned some lessons and had some firsts. And now we’re here! I know you’re probably all excited to hear about where the hockey fan and I ended […]

06: the distance test.

December 10, 2017

This is part five of my adventures into the world of dating apps. Read parts one, two, three and four to catch up on my adventures in the land of dating. I’m not really sure when I met the hockey fan, but I remember his smile on his profile photo could steal hearts. It must […]

05: firsts.

November 5, 2017