This year halloween was a total bust, but we did make super cute DIY Halloween treat bags to try and save the holiday. I’ll be honest though, I didn’t dress up. We didn’t even carve pumpkins. I asked, but my sister said no. Apparently they were rotting already. Unfortunate. These super adorable little candy bags […]
If you’re looking for an easy meal idea, look no further! These enchiladas are absolutely to die for. I’ll be honest, though – I had never had an enchilada before in my life. I didn’t even know what they were. Then one glorious day about a month ago my partner suggested we make enchiladas for […]
Here in Canada, it’s been that time when boulevards are littered with the most annoying little signs every 10 feet – that’s right, it’s Election time. And if you’re like me, it’s your first time voting in an election! Its the time when we all get to exercise the freedom to vote. I’m not going […]
Well — I’m at it again, time for another birthday bucket list. For me, these annual bucket lists are a testament to the old adage, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” I’ve made two previous lists and unfortunately only made little dents in them. This year, sitting in the gardens outside Les […]
Looking for how to keep in touch with your friends when you’re all going in separate directions? Start a traveling notebook! My excitement for the project is through the roof. The last year has brought so many changes. One of my best friends moved across the pond to England, I moved across the country to […]
These eco-friendly reusable cotton makeup remover pads are a great alternative to disposable ones. My sister decided to go the cloth diaper route with Baby A. Since that decision, we’ve been trying to see how many things we can find a cloth alternate for. We’ve made the diapers, the diaper liners, the diaper inserts, baby […]
Exciting news over here! Tomorrow I leave on my first business trip! I’m incredibly excited, and can’t wait for the new responsibilities. The awesome part is it’s with a client back home so I’ll be able to see friends and family on my trip as well. Here’s what I’ve packed for some reading material while […]
Today we’re sharing my favourite quick, easy, and healthy breakfast idea. It’s definitely my go-to breakfast these days. Since the beginning of the year, my mom and I have been trying to eat super healthy. I had put on quite a bit of weight prior to my big move across the country (thanks to countless […]
This weekend I trekked to Banff with my family. It’s about 4 hours away from Edmonton, so a pretty good chunk of time in the car…. perfect opportunity to make another one of these cute little bunnies. Crocheting in the car made the road trip go by so much faster. Thankfully, I don’t typically get […]
I’m beginning to adore living in Alberta. This past Saturday I made my second trip into the mountains for my first time snowboarding at Marmot Basin. My sister’s work put on a social event to head out and get some skiing and snowboarding in. Last minute a lift ticket became available and after a little […]