This is part three of my adventures into the world of dating apps. Make sure you check out part two: the austrailian for the backstory and part one: a new world to see how this all got started.
As you may have guessed by the title of this post, it wasn’t all happily ever with mr. austrailian. We continued to chat quite a bit and went on a second date, but despite our first date of awesomeness, the rest of it kind of sputtered out real quick. It almost felt like went through an entire relationship in a week. The nice thing is that we were both very upfront about it.
Overall, I’d say my first experience in this new world of dating apps was a very positive one. No hard feelings, full of excitement, good conversations. I was already feeling so much more comfortable in social settings with people I did not know.
I had a few guys I was talking with on Bumble, though nothing enticing enough to warrant spending my time going and meeting them so they quickly died out. However, I did have some conversations with a few about Bumble vs. Tinder. After being told it wasn’t as hook-up-oriented as its reputation would have you believe, I decided to give it a try.
I immediately noticed there were far more men on Tinder. I definitely was throwin’ out swipes way more often and thoroughly enjoyed how many matches I was getting. Not going to lie, it’s a huge ego boost to see how many guys would be interested in getting to know you more. (To be honest, even if it’s a hook-up they’re after, it’s still an ego boost.)
This is when what I’d like to call my swipe addiction came in. I found myself lying awake in bed just swiping through guys. I was just so curious who the next face on my phone would be. Maybe they would be my happy ever after. Or at the very least be somebody super interesting.
I wasn’t even using the apps anymore to talk to people.
Just endlessly swiping.
And then I met the teacher.
Stay tuned for my next dating diary to find out how it goes with the teacher.
Have you been sucked into the swiping vortex? Tell me I’m not the one.